Domestic Violence is a serious crime with consequences of tough punishments and imprisonment. Domestic violence does not have to occur between spouses but also between roommates, someone you share a child with, any family member, ex-spouse, parent or child, live-in girlfriend or boyfriend, relatives by marriage and more relationships. If any being has been accused of domestic violence then he/she can possibly be arrested on the day of the incident. In most cases, the police first do the arrest without even investigating the matter or questioning the situation. So, this can be tough like condition for someone if accused of domestic violence. To treat such chaotic conditions rightly, you need a well-trained and highly qualified domestic violence Ohio attorney of Rutan Law.

Domestic Violence Ohio Attorney

Rutan Law Firm and its team have years of experience to defend domestic violence cases professionally and aggressively. We help you to grant bail through temporary restraining orders.  At least, a temporary release may give you some peace of mind or relaxation. Our qualified and highly experienced lawyers have handled various domestic violence cases successfully. Our lawyers do their best to help you get justice if falsely trapped in such allegations. In all the circumstances, our domestic violence lawyers are dedicated and committed to protecting your legal rights. In the court trials or proceedings, our lawyer will fight back and defend you to prove your innocence by presenting the necessary yet crucial facts to the judge.

Moreover, Rutan Law firm provides the best legal services for violation of protective order. Protective or restraining orders are court orders issued for various reasons. Usually, such orders are often issued in domestic violence or stalking cases and cases where emotions are adjoined. Our firm has handled many protection order violation cases successfully. We rescue you from arrest or to land in jail. So, if you are accused of violating protective order then call Rutan Law Firm, which gives the best legal attention that you deserve!